Dogs Unknown
Fall Colors · Views · Wildflowers
Start directly after the cattle guard off of Tinton Road. The parking area is shortly after the Animal Sanctuary on the south side of Tinton Road. Climb a short hill and begin winding up through forest and occasional open areas. Terrain varies from shaded, cool draws, to pine forest to open meadows making for a diverse trail. Cross a few two track roads mostly used for OHV riding. Notice the views to the south when the forest opens up.
The trail then gets right alongside Tinton Road, before heading back into the woods. Continue up and cross Aspen Hills Road which has yield signs at the crossing. A short distance further and the trail splits into
Twin Bridges Trail on the left and a trail crossing Tinton Road that heads up two track to Big Hill Trailhead.
Flora & Fauna
Deer, turkey, elk if you are lucky, and cattle if you are unlucky.
Shared By:
Kyle Thompson