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A trail that climbs toward the foothills and offers stunning views of the ocean and farmlands of Moss Beach.

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Point to Point

907' 277 m


93' 28 m


817' 249 m


2' 1 m



Avg Grade (5°)


Max Grade (16°)

Dogs Leashed

Features Birding · Views · Wildflowers

Need to Know

There is little to no shade along the trail, so make sure to bring enough water for the strenuous hike, sunscreen, and a hat to keep the sun off your head.


The French Trail climbs from the lower portion of Rancho Corral de Tierra along a ridge until it meets with the Clipper Ridge Trail. The trail offers sweeping views of the Pacific Ocean, Half Moon Bay, and Moss Beach. To access the trail, take Coral Reef Ave off of Highway 1 and park at the end. Hike out the San Carlos Trail until the Flat Top Trail breaks off to the right at roughly 0.25 miles. The trail becomes the French Trail at this point and continues to wind its way through the brush, in some areas shaded until the trail goes off to the right and starts climbing up the ridge.

The trail opens up at this point and there is little shade or tree cover. From this point, the trail will climb uphill, often steeply, until it reaches the intersection with the Clipper Ridge Trail. Roughly 0.25 miles after the intersection with the Flat Top Trail, the trail begins to climb, at first gradually and then more steeply.

At half a mile, the trail begins to level out and if you turn around, you get some sweeping views of the ocean and the communities along the beach. As you continue to climb, the trail alternates from climbing steeply to a gradual climb. When you need to take a break, turn around and enjoy the views of the ocean. Small planes buzz overhead as they prepare to land at the Half Moon Bay airport, and larger planes can be seen as they prepare to land and as they take off from SFO over the mountains. While it is never quiet, the views are amazing.

After climbing for roughly 1.7 miles, the trail intersects with the Clipper Ridge Trail. If you continue straight ahead, you can follow the Clipper Ridge Trail to the top of the preserve. If you want to make it back to your car, you can follow the Clipper Ridge Trail back down to your car, or retrace your steps. Either way, the views are great.

Flora & Fauna

There is quite a bit of Cortaderia jubata, a weedy pampas grass that you pass through and can be seen along the hills of the park. There are some eucalyptus trees and pine trees at the lower end of the trail, but otherwise the trail is bordered by shrubs.

In terms of animals, a multitude of birds can be seen flying around. Turkey vultures, crows, and ravens can be seen flying above the trail. Other birds fly between the trees along the trail, offering a good opportunity for birders. Grasshoppers and small lizards can be seen scurrying along the trail as you pass by.

Shared By:

David Hitchcock

Trail Ratings

  3.3 from 3 votes


  3.3 from 3 votes
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in California


8 Views Last Month
978 Since Oct 8, 2018
Difficult Difficult



The trail descends steeply along the ridgeline.
Oct 8, 2018 near El Granada, CA
The French Trail approaches the intersection of the Clipper Ridge Trail.
Oct 8, 2018 near El Granada, CA
Rancho Corral de Tierra, part of Golden Gate National Recreation Area, preserves the green hills above Moss Beach and El Granada.
Oct 8, 2018 near El Granada, CA
You can see the farms of Half Moon Bay and Moss Beach below you. Oh yeah, and the Pacific Ocean stretches out for as far as the eye can see.
Oct 8, 2018 near El Granada, CA
Views of Half Moon Bay and the Pacific Ocean spread out below you.
Oct 8, 2018 near Moss Beach, CA
Pampas grass grows tall on either side of the trail, creating a narrow corridor for you to navigate.
Oct 8, 2018 near El Granada, CA


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Current Trail Conditions

Add Your Check-In


Nov 28, 2021
Joe Kewekordes
Trail was in great shape. Several new mountain bike features along the sides. — 0h 45m
Nov 14, 2020
Astrid Harris
Feb 23, 2020
Elisha Polomski
heavily eroded
May 4, 2019
America Bliss
Oct 7, 2018
David Hitchcock
Hike up from Moss Beach along the ridge to the top of the preserve. Hard hike, but great views. 1.9mi
Aug 14, 2016
Joe Marcinkowski
March 2025

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