Dogs Leashed
Fall Colors · Lake · Views · Wildlife
One of the better-maintained trails in the Beaver's Bend State Park, the Lake View Lodge Trail features a roller coaster feel through the woods on the shores of Broken Bow Lake. A segment of the trail meets the Indian Nations Trail, then turns to follow the shoreline for a speedy finish.
At the trailhead, you're advised to travel in a clockwise direction, where you'll immediately be met by the solitude of the woods. The trail begins by snaking closely alongside a park road, and you may hear an occasional vehicle pass although the road is not visible from the trail.
The trail consists mostly of dirt and quartz that is well shaded by the trees that tower above. In some spots there is an occasional patch of roots that have been exposed by erosion, however, the primary obstacle is the quartz.
At approximately a mile and a half in there is a marker indicating the Indian Nations Trail. Here you are provided with an option to veer left which would take you toward a campground and ultimately another four miles on the Indian Nations Trail toward the Beaver's Bend spillway. Continue to your right. After approximately another half mile, you'll have crossed an old dirt road and be given another option to veer left again for the Indian Nations Trail; continue moving forward (or right).
This section of the trail brings you to rolling hills that wind along the coastline of the Broken Bow Lake, and at points you'll have the opportunity of pleasant views. There is less quartz on this segment of trail, however, the prevalence of fallen trees is higher.
Shared By:
Vanessa McKnight