Dogs Unknown
River/Creek · Views
Start at the Tasch train station and hike south on the nearby road (Neue Kantonsstrasse) a short distance before reaching a bridge over the river on your right. Cross the bridge and intersect with the trail.
Turn left and follow the trail beside the river. Stay beside the river and then beside the train tracks (the train will be on the other side of the river for a ways but then will cross over to your side). As the train enters a tunnel, the trail will snake up the hillside a bit and then straight out again.
As you begin to reach Zermatt, you'll pass Air Zermatt with its large helicopter "parking lot" and soon after the train station. Just as you reach the cavernous opening of the train station, take a left and follow the pave path down and over the tracks. Hike a short distance to the other end of the train station on the road to end this established route.
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Tad Davis