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Birding · River/Creek · Views · Wildlife
Edith Pass isn't the most amazing trail on its own. It is typically linked as the descent from
Cory Pass due to the longer, less severe decline. But, that's not to say it is at all a bad trail. This description is written assuming you are linking from
Cory Pass.
The start of the trail I found amazingly fun - opinions vary - it is loose rock, ranging from gravel to cobble stones 4-6in or so in diameter. It's quite loose, so you can almost "glissade" down for the first fraction of a mile. But if you choose to hike, no need to worry, it's a well-worn trail that you'll have no trouble following. It doesn't last very long before the trail turns into a dense forest that I remember had the most amazing Christmas-like scent I've ever smelled outdoors!
You'll cross a stream a few times after about the 1/2 way mark on this trail, which is a good place to fill up your water (filter it) if you need to. If you're just hiking back from the peak, it's all descent so you shouldn't need too much water by this point to make it back to the car, assuming you've parked near the finish on this map.
This trail sees less traffic than
Cory Pass, so you'll encounter fewer people. Enjoy the seclusion!
Flora & Fauna
Predominantly pine and subalpine forest. You're in bear country, but sightings are quite rare in Banff - use your judgment on how to best prepare, rangers recommend not hiking alone, or at the very least, bring bear spray.
Shared By:
Dave Mencel