Dogs Leashed
Lake · River/Creek · Swimming · Views · Waterfall · Wildflowers · Wildlife
The proximity of the area to Bozeman, while still having the ability to quickly get away from the crowds, make this a great loop hike.
From the popular Spanish Creek trailhead, follow the creek upstream noticing that the further you go the more the crowds dwindle. At the gorgeous Falls Creek, you'll turn uphill on
Jerome Rock Lakes Trail and begin the climb toward Jerome Rock Lakes - a worthy site for camping.
At the lakes spend some time boulder hopping and climbing to the upper lake area. You'll surely have this to yourself for exploring and sublime camping.
The following day, make your way northwest along
High Lakes Trail and then down
Camp Creek Trail, camping again if you have the time. Continuing down
Camp Creek Trail, make a right on
Cherry Creek Trail heading southeast.
The hike grows a little more boring as you make your way along a private land boundary but the views are still gorgeous and the scenery stunning. Make your way up and down a series of small coulees until you make the final descent back to your vehicle at the Spanish Creek trailhead.
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Sam H