Dogs No Dogs
Lake · River/Creek · Swimming · Waterfall · Wildflowers · Wildlife
From the Kintla trailhead, make the mostly flat hike along Lower Kintla Lake to its head. From there begin the mellow climb to Upper Kintla Lake and find the nice campsite located at its head. Continuing further as part of the spectacular
Boulder Pass Loop hikers are treated to remote, rugged, rocky country that is indicative of Glacier National Park's finest scenery. Boulder Pass and Hole in the Wall are of stunning beauty.
Exiting Hole in the Wall and continuing along the trail, hikers arrive at the somewhat melodramatic Brown's Pass, an often windy and somewhat unassuming pass. It is, however, the Continental Divide and from here all water behind you heads to the Pacific and all water ahead toward the Gulf of Mexico. The hiker who opts to continue further in this direction should prepare for mother nature at her finest.
Descending off Brown's Pass, hikers will pass the pristine Frances and Janet lakes and the epic waterfalls that feed them. You may wish you had brought along your watercolors they are of such storybook beauty.
A short distance further brings you to Waterton Lakes where there is a ranger station including an international border crossing into Canada or the option to stay in the US and hike further into the park.
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Sam H