Dogs No Dogs
River/Creek · Views
Tuweeps trails are marked with cairns (piles of rocks). Shade is scarce, and water non-existent. Only hike on trails, roads, and washes. Each footstep off trail may destroy fragile biological soil crusts and damage native plants. All trails are CLOSED to PETS, BICYCLES, and VEHICLES.
The Whitmore Trail, located at Whitmore Overlook, is a 3-hour drive west of Tuweep. This moderate out-and-back trail takes you down to the Colorado River. Access Whitmore Overlook from the Main Street Route; a high clearance vehicle needed.
This trail goes down the side of the Colorado River canyon, rather than descending a narrow side canyon. Watch for some rock art along the way. You'll have views of both the Grand Canyon and the Whitmore Canyon.
Shared By:
Tom Robson