Dogs Unknown
The trailhead is across HWY-101 from the Mt. Walker access road, and a few hundred feet south. It is marked as Rocky Brook Road. Drive up Rocky Brook Road a quarter mile and look for a wide spot on the right, and the trail (not well marked) on the left side (47° 46.2’ by 122°55.06’). The trailhead elevation is about 790 feet.
The trail parallels the road for a short distance, switchbacks twice and goes toward Elbo Creek that you'll hear but probably not see. The maintained trail is easy to follow. At some point (I’m guessing 1.6 miles, 2400 feet) you'll cross a slide area and that is where the maintained trail ends, however, it is becoming so foot worn that it is not difficult to follow in summer. Look for ribbons on trees and that will keep you on track in winter. At about 2.5 miles you'll reach Forest Service Road 030 (2620 feet).
Shared By:
Hiking Project Staff
with improvements
by Jim Morrison