Dogs No Dogs
Lake · River/Creek · Views · Wildlife
Need to Know
Past the viewpoint at 1.5 miles, the trail is extremely steep and dangerous with lots of loose gravel and no ropes to hold on to.
The trailhead is a short trot from the parking lot at the ranger station - you'll see a sign pointing up a steep switchback to your left. Be ready to huff and puff from the start.
Storm King offers classic Olympic Peninsula biome transitions as you hike (who are we kidding - walk) up to the summit. Near the lookout (mile 1.25), you'll find a handy rope system to help you get there. The scary scramble to the viewpoint is rewarded by an awe-inspiring view of Lake Crescent. In spite of/because of its difficulty, this is a popular trail. Expect a little company from time to time. The trail from the view point to the peak is very difficult. Many sections do not have rope, are very steep and require climbing.
Shared By:
Josh Sutcliffe
with improvements
by Joshua Ingram
and 2 others