Dogs No Dogs
River/Creek · Views · Wildlife
This is also sometimes called the Indian Pass Trail or the North Snider-Jackson Trail. You won't have much other company on this under-appreciated out-and-back trail. Starting from the north end, hike only a short ways before reaching the national park boundary where an info board and self-registration kiosk stand. Continue on gentle switchbacks uphill through peaceful valleys. Cross numerous streams and little falls being sure to appreciate the huge trees here. Descend steeply into a lush valley where the South Fork of the Calawah River flows.
Fording the river is sometimes a boulder hop, sometimes a tricky, thigh-deep affair. Once you're across, head upstream about 100 yards to regain the trail. After a short climb to reach Indian Pass, the remainder of the trail is an easy, gradual downhill into the Bogachiel River Valley. Although the elevation gains and losses on this trail are not inherently taxing, for most folks the trail conditions (mud, washouts, downed trees) make travel difficult in places.
Flora & Fauna
Pacific silver fir, Douglas fir, hemlock, cedar, ferns, sorrel, berries. Owl, squirrels, grouse, elk, bear, mountain lion, bobcat.
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Megan W