Dogs Unknown
Middle Ridge Trail begins after hiking approximately 2.4 miles on Middle Ridge Road from the parking lot at the front of Kanawha State Forest. It is on the right off of Middle Ridge Road and is marked. The trail is much better signed at the front than at the rear of KSF, as the front sections are more established.
Middle Ridge Trail is primarily hard-packed, smooth dirt and winds along the ridgeline from the front of Kanawha State Forest to the rear. It has several short climbs/descents along, but generally follows the contours of mountain. Rxhing it starting from the front of the park, the overall gradient is slightly uphill. The trail also crosses Middle Ridge Rd. several times, so it can be hikeed as a whole or in segments.
Many steeper, more rugged trails drop off of
Middle Ridge Trail and descend back to the main road in the valley floor, including Mossy Rock, Teaberry Rock, Johnson Hollow, and Black Bear Mtn. Bike Trail. Also, by hopping onto Middle Ridge Rd. for short distances, hikers can also access singletrack descents on Pole Cat and Ballard. Many of these descents have steep rough sections with lots of rocks, roots, and ruts.
Shared By:
Jack Hoblitzell