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Birding · River/Creek · Views · Waterfall · Wildflowers · Wildlife
The approximately 1.5 mile route to Middleham Falls begins at the small parking area with pavilion and bathrooms. The trail begins immediately with a fairly long ascent (about 600' in elevation gain). The trail then passes a private residence and crosses several creeks. Hikers then traverse a beautiful rainforest with some very large bulletwood trees (Manilkara bidentata). When you get close to the falls, you pass by a very steep volcanic escarpment. The waterfall is beautiful and, at 275', is the tallest waterfall on the island. A small pool at the base of the falls is inviting but fair warning--the water is about 68 degrees F!
Once you've admired the falls and cooled down, simply return the way that you came to reach the trailhead.
Shared By:
Mark Brandenburg