Dogs No Dogs
Family Friendly
This self-guided tour offers many points of interest and educational opportunities for children.
Lily Pond Trail is a short, flat, self-guided nature trail. There are many numbered sign posts along this trail that correspond to the numbered descriptions in the Lily Pond Trail pamphlet. The visitor center across the road from the Lily Pond Trail trailhead can tell you where to get the Lily Pond Trail pamphlet.
The Lily Pond Trail trailhead is on the north side of the road across from the visitor center. It is marked by a sign that says "Lily Pond Trail" with an arrow pointing the way. Almost immediately after starting along the Lily Pond Trail, there is a trail junction with a trail to the right. Go straight ahead at this trail junction to go clockwise around Lily Pond Trail, the direction that takes you through the numbered signposts in an ascending numerical order.
Lily Pond Trail follows the shoreline of Reflection Lake that is to the left of the trail for the first tenth of a mile. There is then a trail junction about one tenth of a mile from the trailhead. Go right at this trail junction to continue on Lily Pond Trail. This is well marked with a Lily Pond Trail sign that points the way. Lily Pond Trail leaves Reflection Lake behind after this trail junction and enters a fir forest with little undergrowth. The trail passes a meadow, Lily Pond, and another small, shallow, grassy pond.
Lily Pond Trail then emerges from the fir forest onto a rocky field that is sparsely forested with short firs. This is the Dwarf Forest, which is a forest in the process of rejuvenation. The original forest was covered by a rock avalanche that came down from Chaos Crags about 350 years ago. A little farther along the trail, the trees become denser and taller again, and Lily Pond Trail soon ends at the trail junction close to its trailhead.
Shared By:
Joan Pendleton