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Part of the Grand Canyon Supergroup, sedimentary & igneous rock range in age from 0.8-1.2b years old

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Point to Point

7,372' 2,247 m


2,668' 813 m


315' 96 m


5,018' 1,530 m



Avg Grade (8°)


Max Grade (31°)

Dogs No Dogs

Features Birding · River/Creek · Views · Wildflowers · Wildlife

The Grand Canyon, in general, is infamous for summer heat and the Tanner Trail is specifically noted as being unusually hot. The wide open nature of this part of the canyon means the summer sun comes up early and sets late. No water means no vegetation, and that means no shade. River runners call this part of the Grand Canyon "Furnace Flats." Avoid this trail during hot weather.


The historic Tanner Trail is the primary access by foot into the eastern Grand Canyon. The trail is unmaintained and ranks as one of the most difficult and demanding south side trails, but for an experienced canyon hiker the aesthetic bounty of the area will be adequate compensation. What remains of a once popular pioneer-era trail goes down the gully immediately east of Lipan Point.

The upper section of the Tanner Trail is narrow, badly eroded, and can be difficult to follow, especially after a winter storm. The trail stays on the slopes east of the bottom of the gully through the Toroweap and switches to the west side at the top of the Coconino. Rock slides in the Coconino have covered the original trail in places, forcing hikers to improvise short sections. The trail descends steeply across the slope west of the bed of gully nearly all the way to the Seventyfive Mile Creek - Tanner Canyon saddle. A prime canyon view at the saddle is the reward for a couple of miles of notably insecure hiking.

The next three miles present the only reasonably civilized hiking to be found along the entire route. Traversing near the bottom of the Supai, the trail contours around the base of Escalante and Cardenas Buttes, goes up to cross a small ridge and descends to the top of the Redwall. Walk the rim of the limestone north; watching for the place the trail starts down the Redwall cliff well short of the end of the developing promontory. The view from the Redwall rim across to the Palisades of the Desert is exceptional.

The Redwall descent is nastysteep and loose. A thin coating of gravel makes some slipping and sliding inevitable and a serious fall is a real possibility, so take your time. The trail contours along the base of the Muav to a neat little saddle at the top of the Tapeats. Ancient faulting has created significant offset within the Tapeats Formation, so a hiker has to effectively walk through the Tapeats twice. The Supergroup (Dox Sandstone) appears about 2 miles above the river. Pay attention in the Dox. The trail chokes down to about a foot wide and traverses across an angle of repose slope of eroding red sandstone that falls away for hundreds of feet. The unrelenting grade of the trail, as it drops toward the shoreline puts the final touches on already weary canyon hikers.


Shared By:

Nicholas Shannon with improvements by Jesse Weber

Trail Ratings

  4.6 from 14 votes


in South Rim


  4.6 from 14 votes
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1 Star
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in South Rim


in Arizona


11 Views Last Month
1,386 Since May 7, 2015
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Desert View Watchtower from the west.
May 7, 2015 near Grand C…, AZ
Taken from Tanner beach, with my back to the river. Desert View Tower is (barely) visible slightly left of center of image.
Jan 16, 2020 near Grand C…, AZ
Down into the Canyon.
May 7, 2015 near Grand C…, AZ
Desert View Watchtower.
May 7, 2015 near Grand C…, AZ
Tanner Trail to Tanner Canyon view
May 7, 2015 near Grand C…, AZ
Wildflowers on the South Rim
May 7, 2015 near Grand C…, AZ
6,000 characters
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Current Trail Conditions

Add Your Check-In


Nov 24, 2024
Eric Boldon
Approx 9 miles to Tanner Beach campsite. Hard going downhill — 5h 30m
Apr 9, 2019
Savannah Rodgers
Apr 6, 2019
Savannah Rodgers
Day 1
Mar 9, 2019
Aleks Allen
Nov 18, 2018
Abe H
Tanner-Escalante-Tonto-Hance Creek-Grandview. 7.8mi — 5h 00m
May 22, 2018
May 1, 2018
Guy Dar
Nov 24, 2017
Kate McConnell
March 2025

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